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Safety News

Safety is a Natural Occurrence at William Jacob Management

PeregrinoIn the ninth year of operations, William Jacob Management is closing in on over 1,600,000 manhours worked without a lost time incident. This accomplishment is even more significant considering that William Jacob Management has worked approximately 40% of those manhours in construction yards, at offshore installations, in manufacturing locations, on board vessels and at numerous site locations around the world.


The focus on safety at William Jacob Management is clearly by design. Being prepared with the proper safety equipment and procedures is a key to this success but it is the William Jacob Management personnel that have made this record a reality. The commitment of our staff is what ensures that safe work practices are followed at all times. This unrelenting commitment has resulted in a perfect safety record and recognition by clients such as Murphy Oil Corporation, Anadarko, Statoil and Devon.

Worth noting, William Jacob Management completed 311,000 manhours with a 0.0 incident rate on the EPCMA contract for Statoil’s Peregrino Project. William Jacob Management personnel compiled this impressive record from January 2007 through December 2009. During the course of the project we had personnel working in numerous offices, at the main construction yard and at numerous vendor fabrication locations. Once again the commitment to safety has provided an assurance that at all times William Jacob Management is focused on the people that make a project successful.

As William Jacob Management looks to the future we will keep in mind our past and our focus will remain the same – safety first.

Commended by Murphy on the Azurite Project   » read more

Commended by Anadarko on the Peregrino Project    » read more