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Index > Media > Community Outreach > HOIST WJM Support the Limb Life FoundationWilliam Jacob Management (WJM) was a hole sponsor for the Second Annual Limb Life Foundation Golf Tournament that was held at Pelican Point Golf Club in Gonzales, LA. on September 19th, 2014. Charles Lee, one of our V.P. of Business Development, participated in the event. He is pictured here with his son and granddaughter, Eloise. She was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia at birth, which is a rare limb deficiency where there is a congenital complete or partial absence of the fibula. After a series of surgeries, over a period of six months, and with the help of the Limb Life Foundation, she is running and playing like a normal child.
The Limb Life Foundation is committed to educating those who diagnose, treat, and suffer from this rare limb deficiency that there are alternatives to amputation. The foundation provides financial and emotional support for those children and families that are seeking medical treatment.
To find out more about the foundation and their mission, you can go the their website at: www.limblifefoundation.org/home.html